The team behind the rover MEROPE is part of the university group STAR Dresden e. V. at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. Besides the ERC, our group takes part in different pro-jects like the REXUS/BEXUS program of SNSA and DLR, as well as the European Space Elevator Challenge (EUSPEC) at the TU München, hosted by WARR. Therefore, most of our members al-ready have experience in working on similar projects.
The 21 participating members in our ERC Team come from different subjects, mostly aerospace engineering as well as some from electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics. All our members are undergraduate students. During our first ERC participation in 2021 we were able to score fifth place in the on-site formula. With the experience from our first rover ELECTRA, we hope to improve and innovate our rover design and follow up on lasts year success.