
What’s new? ERC’23 on-site competition

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Picture of ERC Robotic Assistant
ERC Robotic Assistant

Available 24/7, virtual author of numerous publications on


  • More teams will be qualified for finals (20–25, TBC – depends on the schedule);
  • Max. mass of the rover increased to 75kg (to accommodate bigger batteries, drilling mechanism etc.);
  • General rover requirements to be provided by the organizer, detailed requirements can be derived by the teams. Test plan has to be provided by the teams, results of the tests have to be checked against the requirements;
  • The requested content of the documentation will be modified (e.g. more details about the design will be required instead of the previous ‘project assumptions’ and ‘architecture (…)’ sections);
  • Schedule will be modified so do not be afraid that you will not have time for delivery of the documentation.


What’s new? We’re actively working on formalizing the certification for the ERC finalists! What does this mean? We’re planning on implementing verifiable certificates (for finalists) that will provide you with a formal document certifying your professional industry development in jury-approved simplified learning ‘syllabus’.



  • [SCIENCE] There will be a modification of the Science Task that will be combined with Sample Collection Task. Use of the drone will be implemented in the Science Task;
  • [NAVIGATION] No drone in the Navigation Task;
  • [MAINTENANCE] No changes;
  • [PRESENTATION] Minor changes (requirements related to presentation);
  • [PROBING] No Probing Task!

The foreseen tasks are as follows:

No. Task Name Time Allocation*: Changes with respect to ERC 2022
1 Science Task 15 mins for preparation

60 mins for execution

§  Combined with sample collection task (both surface sample and deep sample (e.g. drilling) have to be collected (weight measurement)

§  Drone task is included in the Science Task

§  Science Part similar to ERC 2022 

2 Navigation Task 15 mins for preparation

30 mins for execution

§  Drone excluded from this task. Despite of this it will be similar to ERC 2022
3 Maintenance Task 15 mins for preparation

30 mins for execution

§  The same as in 2022. Build your panel for training in advance!
4 Presentation Task 10 mins for preparation

50 mins for presentation

§  Minor changes (requirements related to presentation, e.g. different content related to the design)


*The final time allocations may be reduced in order to invite more teams to the final in Poland (more teams will be considered as the main goal in this case)

Robotics competition

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