Certificate of completion

This is to certify that

Mr./Mrs.  Vishnu Kumar  has successfully completed the ERC Space & Robotics Industry Standard practice programme during 
European Rover Challenge 2023 (remote edition)  international robotics competition.

The participant has undergone practice in the following modules:

Senior Software Engineer (remote)

A position with a substantial experience in the team, with a significant contribution to development of software incl. computer vision, control interface, and autonomous maintenance.

To check the validity of this certificate visit

Certificate ID:

Krzysztof Walas Ph.D.

Poznan University of Technology

ERC Head of Remote

Lukasz Wilczynski

European Space Foundation

CEO, ERC Founder

This document certifies that the above-mentioned participant of the European Rover Challenge has met the highest industry standards and qualified for the world finals of the competition.

This certificate is valid

Certificate holder name

Vishnu Kumar

ERC edition

European Rover Challenge 2023 (remote edition)

Certificate credential ID


Team recognitions

Claim your certificate

Use the button above to generate a PDF certificate.

To do so please go to your LinkedIn profile and make sure “Licences & certificates” profile section is enabled. If not, you can enable it using the “Add profile section” button at the top of your profile.


Add your certificate and fill in all details provided with your certificate.

  • Name: ERC Space & Robotics Industry Standard
  • Issuing organization: European Rover Challenge
  • Issue date: September of the consecutive year
  • Credential ID: your unique credential ID
  • Credential URL: https://roverchallenge.eu/en/certificates/
  • Skills: you can list verified modules from your certificate here


Save all changes and it’s done! The certificate is publicly available on your profile – ready to be validated by your future employer or HR representative.


After completing all changes you can share the certificate with your network to let them know about your achievement. Don’t forget to tag our profile to celebrate together!